Psilocybe thaizapoteca is a species of psilocybin mushroom that was described as new to science in 2012 by renown Mexican mycologist Gaston Guzmán and his colleagues.
Found growing in a muddy ground at an elevation of 1500 meters near Huai Nam Dang National Park. Psilocybe thaizapoteca is a subtropical rainforest mushroom, and alongside Psilocybe thaicordispora and Psilocybe thaiaerugineomaculans, is yet another enigmatic example of the rich mycota of Thailand.

Its epithet “thaizapoteca” places it in the section Zapotecorum Guzmán and refers to its Thailand origins. It is said to have similarities to Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim, known only from Papua New Guinea, and Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán et al., known only from New Zealand.
The magic mushrooms of Thailand, as in most tropical countries, are poorly known which makes a drastic contrast to the richness of the mycoflora.
With considerable destruction of tropical habitats, many species will likely disappear before being documented.

Guzmán and his team noted that on a five day excursion, they found four new species yet none of the five species previously reported from the country.
This demonstrates the complexity of mushroom fructification and at same time the richness of the mycota in the tropics. They confirmed that species of Psilocybe of section Cordisporae, Mexicanae, Stuntzae, and Zapotecorum are tropical or subtropical.

Visual Description

• Cap: 30–50 mm broad. Conic-umbonate to campanulate, finally convex to plano-convex, sometimes irregularly lobulate. Surface is smooth overall, lubricous to soon dry, cuticle not separable. Cap is sub-hygrophanous, brownish red with chocolate tints at the margin. • Gills: attachment adnexed or short sinuate. Coloration brownish chocolate, edges whitish. Stem: 70–120 long by 4–8 mm thick. Equal, uniform, narrower towards base. Coloration whitish gray or dark vinaceous at the base. Flesh readily bruising bluish to blackish. • Microscopic features: 6–6.5(–7) × (3–)3.5–4(–4.5) × 3–3.5 μm • Taste and odor: either not distinctive or acidulous to only very slightly farinaceous, with the taste of dried material becoming strongly pungent after some minutes.


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Habitat Origin

Gregarious, on muddy soil with few herbs, mosses and grasses, in a tropical-subtropical vegetation, with Dipterocarpaceae trees and some Pinus. Known only from the type locality, Chiang Mai province, Thailand, elevation 1500m, rainforest.